
Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Monday, 14 November 2016

Monday, 17 October 2016

Smart Relationships

I have been learning about quality blog comments.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Healthy Ideas To Stay Healthy

I have been learning about healthy living and what is a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner.

How I Felt When I Saw The food Pyramid

Trinity Lunch Box Audit - 5th July 2016.jpg
How Felt When I Saw The food Pyramid 
When I saw the food pyramid wow! The top bit was over flowing with unhealthy Food. sadly the middle and bottom barely had anything in them.Most of people lunches was in the top bit of the pyramid. Only half my lunch which was two things was in the top bit and the other half which was two things was in the bottom.Next tearm I think that the top bit will only have a little bit and the middle and bottom will be filled up.    

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Watching BFG

                                                                                WATCHING THE BFG
On Friday the last day of term two in the afternoon when we got home and had something to eat and gone on the computer we went to the movies. Me and my family got the tickets and then got dinner at pita pit. Even though I thought sweet chilly sauce would be to hot for me I had it on my pita pit.then we watched the BFG. After the BFG we went home.

From my opinion I think you should go see the BFG if you haven’t seen it yet.